Presentation Ceremony
The next scheduled ceremony will be TBC.
Once you have completed all your hard work and study, it will be time to celebrate your achievements at the presentation ceremony.
The ceremony takes place twice a year to recognise all those who have achieved WCF qualifications in the previous 6 months. Here you can find everything you will need to know about the ceremony, guest tickets and preparation for the big day.
We ask that Diplomates, Associates, Fellows and their guests make a note in their diaries to save the ceremony date. Exam candidates will be informed of presentation ceremony dates in advance.
Invitations will be sent out with examination results to all those who have passed our qualifications and awards.

Two presentation days are held each year. One in January and one in June/July.
The ceremonies take place at a magnificent city location in the heart of London. The city has been the location of our award ceremonies for many generations of farrier professionals.
You will have the chance to receive your hard-earned certificate from the Master of the Company, and join distinguished members of the farrier community afterwards for refreshments in wonderful surroundings. There is no charge for the ceremony. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis so please do fill in the registration form as soon as you can.

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You must register to attend your ceremony and request guest tickets. Registration opens for 2 weeks after results are released and closes 2 weeks prior to the ceremony.
Additional tickets
Once registration has closed, additional guest ceremony tickets may become available only if there is still space. You may contact the Registrar to check.
Guest seating
On Presentation Day, you will not sit with your guests. Guest seating is allocated inside the venue.
You will be seated with other ceremony awardees.
Children and babies
Guest ceremony tickets must be attained for children aged over two years old if you wish them to attend. Please note that the ceremony is a formal occasion so may not be suitable for very young children.
The Company's professional photographers will be on site to take photographs throughout Presentation Day. If you would prefer that your photograph is not taken, please inform the photographer. Please note, we are unable to guarantee the exclusion of any recipient images from group photographs. Photos may be used by the Company for media publications and advertising, including on the Company’s website, social media channels, in press releases and mailings or in magazines. All recipients and guests should be aware that they may feature in this footage.
The taking of ‘selfies’ during the ceremony, particularly on stage, is strictly prohibited.
Flash photography and unauthorised video recording of a Presentation Ceremony is strictly prohibited.
Recipients will be pictured as they process across the stage and shake hands with the presiding officers. Any gesture to the camera or inappropriate act or use of signage is prohibited.
Plan your Journey
Transport for London provide a free journey planner tool. Please use this to find your best route to the College from within London.
Car parking
Parking is severely restricted at the Presentation venue and you are advised not to bring a car. Overnight parking is not permitted and parking in the streets surrounding the venue is pay and display or parking meters for limited time only.
Special requirements
If you need to book a disabled car parking space at the venue, or if you or your guests have any special requirements, let the Registrar know during the registration process.
There is a small lift (and a different entrance) for disabled access to most but not all rooms, and no disabled access to the museum.
There's a lot going on during Presentation Day, so get to the venue early and plan ahead to make sure you don’t miss out. The venue will be very busy so we recommend arriving at least 30 minutes before the ceremony to make sure you have enough time to collect your paperwork and be seated in the Chapel before the service begins.
1. Collect your tickets
Your tickets will be available to collect from the Registration Desk. Guest ceremony tickets are issued by the Worshipful Company of Farriers in hardcopy.
2. Arrive for your ceremony
Apprentices may wish to practice the Farrier’s Oath they will be asked to recite
"I solemnly and sincerely declare that I will pursue the work of my Craft with diligence and integrity, maintain the established standards of the Farriery Profession, and accept the professional responsibilities now entrusted to me, and that my constant endeavour will be to ensure the welfare of horses committed to my care."
3. Celebrate at the reception
Catch up with your passing class and celebrate with friends and family at the reception at the venue after your ceremony. The reception begins immediately after your ceremony ends and will last for up to 90 minutes.
How can I register for the Ceremony?
Registrations for the Presentation Ceremony will open on the day that results are released. Please visit to register for the ceremony.
The deadline for registering is midnight (UK time) 10 days prior to the ceremony.
What should I do if I haven't received my invitation?
If you haven't received your email invitation 1 week prior to the ceremony, please contact the Company Registrar.
How many guests can I bring?
You can bring up to three guests.
Do I need to buy a ticket for my child or baby?
Children over two years old must have their own seat inside the venue and will require a guest ceremony ticket to attend.
I can't attend my ceremony this year, can I defer?
Unfortunately not due to the limited space at the venue.
What should I do if I can no longer attend my ceremony?
If you have booked your place and are no longer able to attend, please inform the Registrar directly.
What should I do if I or one of my guests have special requirements?
You can also contact the Registrar in confidence by email at to discuss your needs.
I need a letter to support a visa application. How do I obtain one?
If you or your guest require a visa to attend the ceremony, the Company can produce a letter to support your application. Please note this can take up to seven working days to produce.
Is accommodation available close by?
There are a number of hotels close to the venue.
How do I ensure my name is pronounced correctly on the day?
You are welcome to contact the Registrar and clarify how you would like your name to be read. Start each word with a capital letter, but capitals everywhere are hard to read. Use a dash between each syllable (for example a reader won't know if you are Lou-iss or Lou-ee). It may be helpful to spell something wrong – "Im-peer-ee-al" makes it clear that Imperial has a long "e" in the second syllable. If there are words in your name that you don’t want us to read out, leave them out, but if you leave out a lot of words, add "(only)" to make it clear.
On ceremony day
Will I receive my real certificate in my ceremony?
Will the ceremonies be streamed online?
Where can I smoke?
Smoking is not permitted inside the venue. Guests are permitted to smoke outside in the designated area.
Is there a dress code?
Yes. Both you and your guests should wear smart attire.
Are the seats allocated for the ceremony?
Yes. Seats are allocated in advance for both recipients and guests in separate areas.
Where can I have my ceremony photographs taken?
Professional photography will be available on the day at the venue.