The Worshipful
Company of Farriers

Promoting the welfare of the horse since 1356

Company Archives

The Company’s historical records are stored at the Guildhall Library. These include a copy of an order dated 27 March 1356 by the Court of Aldermen requesting the Farriers of London to form a guild to regulate the craft, together with the Royal Charter granted by Charles II in 1674. 
Lists of apprentices, freemen, and Liverymen from 1610 onwards may be of assistance to anyone trying to trace their ancestors, and application may be made to the Library to view these. General details can be found here:

Details of the Company's records held by the London Metropolitan Archives can be seen at LMA Farriers Company and further details by clicking the tab at the top right entitled PDF view of this collection.

Further Information
Sadly much of all Company records were destroyed during the Blitz. The Clerk holds some basic information on Masters and Wardens since 1674, and Liverymen since 1908.  The Registrar holds examination records since 1925, but may be able to find entries after 1925 providing an approximate date of qualification is provided.
For any queries about ad-hoc Company archives, please contact the Clerk.
For any queries about ad-hoc farrier exam records, please contact the Registrar & Craft Secretary.