The Worshipful
Company of Farriers

Promoting the welfare of the horse since 1356

Heraldic Badge

Heraldic Badge

Heraldic Badge for the Worshipful Company of Farriers

The late Past Master Arnold Scott gripped a centuries old situation that had connived at the Company masquerading under a variety of devices (approximating only to our current arms) when he took the necessary actions with the Heralds to regularise our present ‘achievement’ in 1968.

The Company is always pleased to show its support for or association with favoured people or groups, and there is an heraldic solution for this that has been used by armigerous individuals and institutions for centuries. It is to give recognition by involving the use of an Heraldic Badge – a device for such purpose formally granted by the Heralds.

The grant of an Heraldic Badge for the Company to award to those it wishes to celebrate was an attractive possibility and would also give the Company an opportunity to gently regulate those wishing to advertise a connection with it. Hence, a small subcommittee of the Court took up the matter with Windsor Herald and the result has been the grant to the Company of an attractive and appropriate Heraldic Badge which can be used and adapted to a variety of circumstances.

Liverymen will be interested to know that a book illustrating the Arms and Heraldic Badges of the City Livery Companies had been published, and our new badge does, of course, feature in it. It is called “The Heraldry of the Livery Companies of the City of London Since 1954” by Richard Goddard.